
Cum stim daca ne-am molipsit de alergare? 51 de raspunsuri!

Postat de Andrei Rosu pe 12 octombrie, 2012

Atunci cand suntem pasionati de un subiect, ni se deschide brusc o noua lume. Si asta pentru ca, in afara de faptul ca facem un lucru nou, care ne place, si ca intram in contact cu o multime de oameni cu aceeasi pasiune, suntem conectati si receptivi la toate informatiile care au legatura cu subiectul nostru de interes… Mai jos, o sa prezint cateva raspunsuri simpatice la intrebarea „Cum stim ca suntem alergatori?”. Le-am gasit pe unul dintre site-urile dedicate alergatorilor (Running About), pe care il mai consult din cand in cand… Pentru a nu afecta farmecul lor, am pastrat varianta in limba engleza. Eu ma regasesc in multe dintre ele (dar cu siguranta nu in punctul 12:)) si sunt sigur ca si voi… Enjoy!

1. Your first thought when you look at the weekly weather forecast is, „When can I fit in my runs?”
2. You have more running clothes than regular clothes in your laundry pile.
3. You’ve lost a toenail. And you tell people, „It’s not that bad.”
4. You smirk when non-runners ask you, „So how long is this marathon?”
5. You have a drawer full of medals and other race souvenirs that you’re not sure what to do with.
6. You go into Starbucks more often to use the bathroom than to actually buy coffee.
7. You no longer make fun of fanny packs because your running belt looks very similar (although cooler) to one.
8. You have a line in your budget for „race entry fees/race travel”.
9. You’ve used an old race T-shirt to wash your car, dust furniture, or clean something else.
10. Your shoes have more miles than your car.
11. You get an invitation to a wedding and you automatically think about what race the date will conflict with.
12. You have dreams about showing up to a race late or not wearing any clothes.
13. You’re not embarrassed to wear spandex.
14. The salespeople at your local running shop know you by name.
15. You’re always hungry.
16. You know how to take a cup of water from a water stop without choking on it or spilling it all over yourself.
17. At least one of your web site usernames or email addresses has the word „run” or „runner” in it.
18. You know where your iliotibial band is located.
19. You no longer hate port-a-johns. In fact, there have been times when you’ve been very happy to see one.
20. You spend more time researching running routes than local restaurants when traveling to a new city.
21. Your physical therapist’s receptionist knows you by the sound of your voice on the phone.
22. You know where exactly one mile from your front door is (in any direction).
23. You know how to correctly spell and pronounce plantar fasciitis.
24. You own more pairs of running socks than dress socks.
25. You have more fun shopping for running clothes than you do non-running clothes.
26. when you hear PR, you automatically think „personal record”, not „public relations”.
27. You pack more running clothes than bathing suits when going on a beach vacation.
28. You have running clothes and an extra pair of running shoes in your car, „just in case.”
29. Your holiday wish list can be fulfilled at any running or sporting goods store.
30. One of the first things people ask you when they haven’t seen you in a while is, „What race are you training for now?”
31. You have several drawers dedicated to running shirts.
32. You get excited when the new Runner’s World comes in the mail.
33. Your Facebook or Twitter updates frequently involve running.
34. Your only recent photos of you alone are race photos.
35. You always have your next race on the calendar.
36. Your runs are sometimes longer than your commute to work or school.
37. Your running partners know more about your bodily functions than your significant other.
38. You get jealous when you’re driving in your car and pass runners.
39. You spent more timing researching a running watch than you did your car.
40. You want to either cry or punch your doctor in the face when he tells you that you can’t run for two weeks.
41. You’re excited for your next birthday because it means you’ll be in a new age group at road races.
42. You know the location of every store, public restroom, and water fountain in running distance from your home.
43. You wear running T-shirts with funny slogans.
44. You wear your running watch even when you’re not running. („It matches, right?”)
45. You’ve had your running shoes for three months and you know it’s already time to replace them.
46. You get excited when the race swag is a technical fabric (not cotton) T-shirt.
47. When someone passes you during a training run, you assume they’re running a shorter distance than you are.
48. When you hear the word „bib”, you think about a race number, not a baby.
49. You spend more money on running clothes than work or casual clothes.
50. The only time major household projects get done is during tapering or race recovery.
51. You frequently get asked, „When’s your next race?”

PS – Am ajuns in Germania! revin cu vesti despre maratonul de duminica, de la Munchen…

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4 răspunsuri la “Cum stim daca ne-am molipsit de alergare? 51 de raspunsuri!”

  1. tania spune:

    oh, yes, i find so many valid for me:-) that makes me feel good.. I am a runner! thank you,Andrei. Success and joyfur run at Munich Marathon on Sunday!

  2. Aş adăuga 52. You know who was Steve Prefontaine! :))

    În rest, mă regăsesc în aproape toate! Îţi mulţumesc pentru că m-ai făcut să râd de 51 de ori în mod consecutiv, ceva ce nu mi s-a mai întâmplat până acum! Nou PB la categoria râs? :))

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